A server is a vital piece of kit for any small business as a device that effectively manages all of your network resources. Pretty much every business out there will perform better when they are equipped with one. Even a company with just two or three employees would benefit from a server to keep things organised, from backing up, to file-sharing and security.
It’s important to be aware of what servers are available, and also their costs, as well as how much one can bring in terms of value to your small business. It is an important investment to make, but ultimately one that will undoubtedly benefit your business.
Why Do I Need A Server For My Small Business?
There are a variety of reasons why you might need a server – perhaps there is an increase in traffic to your website, or you might want to run a variety of business applications. Most importantly of all, however, servers are vital in combating internet threats to your business, so it does make sense to have one.
All in all, a server will form the foundation for the entirety of your IT network, and that sort of technology doesn’t come cheap, so ask yourself, does my business need the latest server model on the market?
If you’re still thinking, “yes”, then why not consider a refurbed model that will easily knock some hard-earned money off? Ideally, however, you still want a server that has a warranty and customer service support if you run into any difficulties.
Many of the leading brands on the market will give you the option to configure your server to exactly what requirements you have, which can be pricey, yet it’s probably very much needed.
Running Costs
There are a lot of hidden costs or at least indirect costs that can be easily acquired over time.
Servers can use up quite a lot of electricity, so the cost of running them from your office can be expensive. After all, they process an exorbitant amount of information in less than a second, so they are going to need quite a bit of power to run effectively.
Because of this vast power consumption, they tend to create a lot of heat and therefore any small business owner should factor in costs for cooling the server before they make a purchase.
Additional Costs
As previously mentioned, there are a variety of other costs that need to be taken into consideration if you have chosen to purchase a server. These indirect costs can certainly have an impact on your budget.
Installation costs need to be considered, so you will need to budget to pay an IT professional who you will need to install your server for you. As well as this, there will inevitably be additional maintenance and repair costs that need to be factored in also, and these can range into the thousands at a time.
To Rent Or To Buy?
If you choose to buy a server for your small business, you will be liable for repairs, however many businesses choose to rent a server, and often any repairs will be covered within your hosting plan. So, if you are on a tight budget, it may be worth considering a rental rather than making an outright purchase on a server.
Final Thought
By now, hopefully, you will have a bit of a better idea as to why a server is such a vital tool for your small business. And with any investment, costs will naturally incur, so investing wisely in a server that will bring you value for money is key.
It’s not always about the shiniest new model on the market, but rather what your particular business needs, and to help keep costs down, a refurbished server or even a rented server might just make for an excellent starting option.